Saturday, June 24, 2017

Yellow Mug Coffee

Yellow Mug Coffee - Local Fresno Coffee House

Yellow Mug Coffee is a local coffeehouse located in northeast Fresno at 1137 East Champlain Drive. Last year prior to opening, Yellow Mug Coffee was used as the set for Luke's Diner in the Netflix series Gilmore Girls
Reminder of Luke's Diner from Gilmore Girls
Founded by San Franciscans, the names of the coffee sometimes point to the Bay. For example, we ordered a Fog Breaker (Vanilla Latte with honey and cardamon). 
Fog Breaker
We also ordered a cappuccino.
They also had an assortment of macaroons, so we had to try them.
Macaroons - Caramel (brown), Pistachio (green), White Chocolate (blue), and Champagne (pink)

Menu Board

Torani Syrup Flavors, Including Sugar Free
Tea Menu

Yellow Mugs
More Yellow Mugs
Snacks for Dogs - Dog Friendly Joint

Indoor Seating with Noodle Bowl Chairs

Outdoor Seating
Ice Water 
Yellow Mug Coffee is open from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Sunday. Our two coffees and four macaroons came to $17.50 including tax.

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